Hi, I'm Barney.

Hi, I'm Barney.

Hi, I'm Barney.

I'm Vickie.

I'm Vickie.

I'm Vickie.

Ready for some rhyming poetry?

Old enough to know PPT

Old enough to know PPT

Young enough to chatGPT

Young enough to chatGPT

Alumni at HKUST

Alumni at HKUST

No art school or design degree

No art school or design degree

You sure you want the full story?

You sure you want the full story?

Yeah I've got time. Please tell me!

Barney founded this company

Barney founded this company

He struggles to speak very fluently

He struggles to speak very fluently

"I have a stutter. I ask why me?"

"I have a stutter. I ask why me?"

Then, he saw an opportunity.

Then, he saw an opportunity.

"Communication is hard, can't just be me"

"Communication is hard, can't just be me"

"Might be better if done visually."

"Might be better if done visually."

Left home, moved to a new country.

Left home, moved to a new country.

That's when he started D Story.

That's when he started D Story.

Worked from cafés, no money.

Worked from cafés, no money.

Learnt design, then taught for free.

Learnt design, then taught for free.

Went quite well, he got lucky.

Went quite well, he got lucky.

Vickie joined. The rest's history.

Vickie joined. The rest's history.

"We worked hard. Most nights OT."

"We worked hard. Most nights OT."

Met great clients who let us be.

Met great clients who let us be.

Wouldn't have happened without Scott Lee

Wouldn't have happened without
Scott Lee

Six years on, on this journey

Six years on, on this journey

Still work late, but not for free.

Still work late, but not for free.

We make content for all to see.

We make content for all to see.

TikTok, YouTube and IG.

TikTok, YouTube and IG.

Use our templates, most are free.

Use our templates, most are free.

Life in Hong Kong, it's not easy.

Life in Hong Kong, it's not easy.

No time to rest. "Speed up!" " 快D!"

No time to rest. "Speed up!" " 快D!"

Website still a WIP

Website still a WIP

Come back later, there'll be more to see!

Come back later, there'll be more to see!